Sunday, May 24, 2020

Same Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized - 1562 Words

~ Busse Same-Sex Debate Essay ~ Ever since the time when America studied family values and focused on healthy and important influences, marriage was considered to be between man and woman holding a physical and spiritual bond between each other, not between man and man and woman and woman. Some may see marriage as between two people of the same gender, or what is known as same-sex marriage. This form of marriage became popular in the U.S. during the 1960’s and 1970’s due to the urge of legalization coming from many American citizens at the time. (â€Å"The Long Road to Marriage Equality†) The topic creates controversy due to the fact that many believe this subject disagrees with most religions and because it defies the morals that our†¦show more content†¦Nowadays, much of the world population is influenced by much of what same-sex marriage portrays. Judge Jeffrey Sutton wrote that, â€Å"Marriage has long been a social institution defined by relationsh ips between men and women. So long defined, the tradition is measured in millennia, not centuries or decades. So widely shared, the tradition until recently had been adopted by all governments and the major religions of the world. (â€Å"Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?†) This quote really goes along with what marriage should be seen as. Ever since same-sex marriage has been legalized, it has altered the true definition of marriage. To add on, the quote says that honest tradition has been recorded in large amounts of time, and now we are changing it to â€Å"change† our society, as a whole. This can show the next generation how normal this somewhat new transformation in our marriages and relationships looks like, leading them off of the course of supporting true marriage and teaching them to support a reversed, same-sex marriage. In this way, this influence can lure the next generation due to the wrong idea of same-sex marriages and relationships and turn their views to t he opposite stance. The thought of same-sex marriage poses an idea that some think is right and acceptable. Now, with our new generation sprouting, this can really show them what kind of marriage is right and what kind of marriage is wrong. With the big influence this subject can

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