Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Natural By Bernard Malamud - 1543 Words

In The Natural by Bernard Malamud, Malamud displays the magnitude of how an individual’s decisions can influence their life. Malamud’s main protagonist, Roy Hobbs, is the leading example of this idea, as Hobbs continually faces both his internal struggles stemming from his desire for success, and external struggles attributed to his roller-coaster of a professional baseball career. Malamud uses Hobbs and the sport of baseball as a metaphor for typical American life by depicting Hobbs’ struggles as similar to any average American. Therefore, through the life of Roy Hobbs, Malamud alludes to the average American and explains how moral attitude can lead to a person’s success or downfall. Malamud begins by relaying the idea that Roy Hobbs, the main character, is a metaphor for the life of a typical American boy. In the first chapter of the novel, Malamud paints a background on the goals of Hobbs. Hobbs is described as a young aspiring baseball player, travelin g to Chicago in order to try out for the renowned Chicago Cubs. Due to baseball’s widespread popularity in the 1950s, Hobbs, along with other American boys during this era, shared a common dream to someday have an opportunity to play for such professional team. Malamud explicitly describes this idea of the dream of every American boy by claiming, â€Å"if it wasn’t real it was a way he sometimes had of observing himself, just as in this dream he could never shake off—that had hours ago waked him out of sound sleep—of himShow MoreRelatedThe Natural by Bernard Malamud1204 Words   |  5 Pagesstory, The Natural, certain characters and events are portrayed in a distinctive way that makes this story unique to other books and shows the typical writing style of the narrator. The author uses a repetitive writing technique that is impossible to overlook. The writer of this book is able to catch the reader’s eye with his concept of the importance of beaut iful description. The Natural, by Bernard Malamud, uses great imagery that makes the story appealing. In the beginning of The Natural, Roy HobbsRead MoreRoy Hobbs: The Tragic Hero in â€Å"The Natural† by Bernard Malamud1750 Words   |  7 PagesDiscuss the figure of Roy Hobbs as a tragic hero. To what extent do his own flaws lead him to his fate? Does he display a kind of hubris like the characters in a Greek tragedy? Does he learn from his mistakes? The book â€Å"The Natural† talks mostly about the heroic acts of Roy Hobbs, his strength of not giving up his wish. The book is basically about the characters flaws that lead him to his fate. Hobbs wish was to become one of the most popular baseball players ever existed in history. 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Later in his career, Roy returns to baseball as a player for the New York Knights where he encounters even more

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