Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Political and Economical Developments in Asian Systems Essay

Political and Economical Developments in Asian Systems - Essay Example The kind of political system that exists in a nation also influence the kind of legal system that is followed in the country for example in china the judiciary follows orders from the state but in America or India judiciary is an independent body run by its own legal framework. Factors that Determine the Level of Economic Growth: There are several factors which determine the level of economic growth of a nation such as the 1) Investment – Countries such as China and India has seen a robust growth in investment over the past decade. 2) Human capital –India with its large numbers of English speaking crowd attracted outsourcing of back office jobs from western countries.3) Trade Barriers – Asian countries such as India and china which stayed away from market liberalization for a long time opened their gates for liberal trade since past two decades. 4) FDI and FII’s - Foreign direct investment and Foreign institutional investors plays an important role as thes e investment over a period of time results in self generated wealth creation within the country.

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